
Over the last few years (since early 2019) I've tried to post on this blog regularly to keep my mind alert and to act as a "personal journal" of things I've done, projects i've worked on, or even some little techniques / packages I've discovered.

There was a distinctive break in my posts between Jan 2022 and summer 2023. Mainly due to a lot of changes in my personal life - however since then I've done my utmost to get back into gear and post once more; even if it's just a few lines here or there

If you have any ideas or requests for subject matter, you can always reach out to me via my contact page.

April 23, 2019

6 Tips: How to make/keep a Developer happy 😇

Developers are a very "touchy" species. Often binary in their attitude and understanding of the world. How do you approach them with a problem? A solution? Or general conversation? Can developer's...


April 20, 2019

5 Ways to Trigger a Developer 😡

Ever wanted to annoy a developer? Wanna know what really grinds their gears? Here's 5 top way to trigger a technical person, straight from the horse's mouth. Often programmers are very linear,...


April 16, 2019

How do I become a Web Developer?

Easily the most asked question that I get either in online groups, or direct contact. Often, the person interested is hearing about all these languages, the abbreviations, industry jargon - but know...


April 3, 2019

Work-Life Balance in Technology

I'd recommend that you read my Burnout post before this, if you haven't already. A lot of the content here will discuss Burnout. You can read that post here. Seeing as my previous post about mental...


April 2, 2019

5 Tips and Tricks for Laravel: Models

Love it or hate it, Laravel's Model layer is one of it's biggest positives and reasons to use it. It comes shipped with the Eloquent ORM which is an Active Record implementation. A lot of the...
