2020 - New Year, New Decade - New Approach? cover image

2020 - New Year, New Decade - New Approach?

Oliver Sarfas • January 1, 2020

career rant

2019 - Well then... 🤔

What a year. For so many of us, 2019 had it's ups and downs. Here's a brief summary of what it entailed for me;





Looking to the future ✨

I've been looking back at my year, and there's things in there that I haven't mentioned that have all contributed to this year being one of the most influential of my life so far.

For 2020 I want to go one better and make some real improvements all over. Not just from a career, business, or financial way - but on a personal / emotional level too. So here's my pledges for the year (totally not New Year's Resolutions...)

Being selfish with my time

I spend far too much time "watering dead plants" as I say. I'm going to be spending more time on my mental health, taking time to look after myself better and enjoy things. We're all here together, and we have family, partners, loved ones etc. but if we're not there ourselves; then it's all a little underwhelming. Be selfish and make time to better myself.

Making more time for those close to me

Following on from the previous, and kind of contradictory too. I spent way too much time working in 2019 and I lost touch with some of my nearest and dearest. That's changing.

Enjoying the little things

Instead of setting crazy (yet achievable) goals for the year, I'll be setting myself little milestones for each quarter. I won't be posting them online, but know that they're there. This way I can see the results of my efforts more often and makes sure they're active in my mind throughout the year

Optimism over pessimism

Find the silver lining in things more. If something goes wrong, it's probably for a reason. But do my best to turn that into a positive or an opportunity to learn / improve.

Build up a "reputable" MMR using SaaS

The only "measurable" pledge for the year really. I've been working on a product for a few weeks now with a close friend of mine. We need to get it out ASAP. Bot just for the financials, but we know that the market wants this product, and is asking for it.

It'll be great to put my name and brand against something that's in the wild and earning revenue. The satisfaction from that alone will be astounding and very fulfilling.


2019 - meh.

2020 - Let's 'ave it!

Questions? Want to talk? Here are all my social channels