About Me
- 🕴 Freelance Software Consultant at CleverEgg Digital Ltd
- 🚀 Laravel Contributor and Enthusiast
- 📝 Tech & Career Blogger
Anfangen ist leicht, Beharren eine Kunst
Starting is easy, persistence is an art
Latest Post
April 26, 2023
Living with Autism as a Developer
Awareness of ASD and Autism is growing, but there is still a long way to go. I have autism, and I use various techniques such as masking to deal with day to day life. How does this impact my work as a developer and interactions with people in a working environment?
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Featured Posts

Scraping / Scripting a Web Page using Laravel Dusk
Using Laravel's Dusk package, we can scrape data from a website. Similar to that of Selenium, or a Web Spider. Using a recent experience for a Hackathon, I'll guide you through my approach to this process and how it works
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Work Burnout - Prevention and Treatment
I am not a licensed Psychologist, nor certified in any medial profession. This post is entirely of my own opinion and reflects my personal experiences. If you believe you are suffering from Burnout, or know a colleague who is - find some help. This can...
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April 26, 2023
Living with Autism as a Developer
Awareness of ASD and Autism is growing, but there is still a long way to go. I have autism, and I use various techniques such as masking to deal with day to day life. How does this impact my work as a developer and interactions with people in a working environment?
ReadJanuary 30, 2022
IR35 - Inside vs. Outside
IR35 has fast become a focal point of the contracting industry. With the new rules regarding IR35 declaration now being fully enforced, what are the core differences as the worker?
ReadApril 20, 2021
How I Juggle Personal and Professional Finances as a Freelancer / Contractor
How to manage money as a freelancer or contractor is often a difficult subject. Let's share some experiences
ReadNovember 25, 2020
How to setup a Laravel Application on Mac and macOS
Fast and easy guide to working with Laravel on a MacOS system. Perfect for Macbook Pro or Air. Beginner friendly!